RNA Panels

GeoMx® Whole Transcriptome Atlases

Spatial Resolution for Any Target
The GeoMx® Whole Transcriptome Atlas (WTA) provides an unbiased, spatial view of all proteincoding genes by leveraging the power of NGS. Whether you are mapping the architecture of tissue or exploring the regulation of morphological features, WTA delivers the highest sensitivity for spatial whole transcriptomics on FFPE tissues.
GeoMx Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas
GeoMx Mouse Whole Transcriptome Atlas
Whole transcriptome coverage with probes specific to protein coding mRNA sequences
  1. Superior sensitivity to detect 1000s of unique human and mouse genes in n < 50 μm regions
  2. Robust performance across sample types including FFPE with high concordance with RNA-seq and RNAscope™
  3. Map single cell RNA-seq populations to their tissue location
  4. Integrated Illumina library prep protocols and streamlined NGS analysis pipelines
  5. Flexibility to customize with up to 60 additional targets to assay non-coding RNA, synthetic DNA or exogenous genes
  6. Visualization and statistical analysis using GeoMx® Data Suite and bioinformatics toolset
Discover a new way to look at biology
The GeoMx® Whole Transcriptome Atlas delivers the maximum amount of sensitivity and confidence in each transcript through its unique probe architecture. The WTA profiles over 18,000 protein-coding human genes and 21,000+ protein coding mouse genes.Along with a high specificity for their target molecules, DSP RNA probes are screened for a myriad of factors including melting temperature, GC content, off target hits, and repetitive sequences. Each probe is assigned a unique DSP barcode for downstream molecular counting on an Illumina sequencer. The targeted nature of WTA avoids the many pitfalls of poly(A) pulldown by delivering increased sensitivity even in heavily degraded tissues such as FFPE. With GeoMx® WTA, researchers can explore pathways across the whole transcriptome in user defined regions of interest.
GeoMx® Human WTA performance compared to RNA-seq
Comparing RNAscope and WTA counts
FIG: GeoMx® Human WTA performance compared to RNA-seq with 3 ROI sizes run on formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) cell pellet arrays. B) Comparing RNAscope and WTA counts illustrates the high sensitivity of WTA even with small ROI sizes.
GeoMx Human WTA covers over 18,000 protein-coding genes cross-referenced with the HUGO and NCBI RefSeq databases
The Human WTA covers over 18,000 protein-coding genes cross-referenced with the HUGO and NCBI RefSeq databases.
Karyogram illustrating the density of genes in the mouse genome
Karyogram illustrating the density of genes in the mouse genome. The transcripts from these genes make up the mouse transcriptome and are measured by GeoMx® MuWTA

GeoMx® RNA Panel for Immuno-Oncology

The GeoMx® Immune Pathways panel is designed for comprehensive profiling of the tumor, tumor microenvironment, and tumor immune status. Profile up to 96 curated RNA targets with spatial resolution from a single tissue section using the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP).
GeoMx RNA Immune Pathways Panel
GeoMx® RNA Assay Design
Designed to profile up to 96 targets simultaneously with spatial resolution, the Immune Pathways Core contains 84 targets plus controls designed for broad coverage of the tumor and tumor microenvironment. Up to 10 custom targets with 2 additional controls can be added to select the content most relevant to your research. GeoMx® RNA assays contain in situ hybridization (ISH) probes conjugated to unique DNA indexing-oligonucleotides via a UV-photocleavable linker. After region of interest (ROI) selection on GeoMx® DSP and UV cleavage of the oligonucleotides, each DNA oligonucleotide is recognized by a unique reporter probe that contains a fluorescent barcode. Reporter probes are imaged and counted by the nCounter® Analysis System to provide a direct, digital readout of spatially resolved RNA expression.

Curated Content for Immuno-Oncology
The GeoMx® Immune Pathways panel is designed to profile key aspects of tumor and tumor microenvironment biology.
  • Profile the global immune response
  • Assess microenvironment immune activity
  • Quantify tumor reactivity
  • Measure the 18-gene Tumor Inflammation Signature known to be associated with response to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor pathway blockade
Accompanying Morphology Marker Kits are available for tissue visualization and ROI selection.

GeoMx® Immune Pathways panel workflow

GeoMx® Cancer Transcriptome Atlas

Profile over 1,800 RNA targets simultaneously with spatial resolution in any region of interest from a single tissue section using the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP). The GeoMx® Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA) is designed for comprehensive profiling of the tumor, tumor microenvironment, and tumor immune status.
GeoMx Cancer Transcriptome atlas
Product Highlights
  • Comprehensive RNA content designed for cancer biology research
  • Expansive coverage of the immune response, tumor microenvironment, and tumor biology
  • Includes clinically relevant gene sets from BC 360 and IO 360 such as the Tumor Inflammation Signature and PAM50
  • Over 100 pathways to explore all aspects of cancer
  • Compatible with RNAscope™ and antibody morphology markers
  • Supplement with up to 60 additional targets of interest
  • For use with Illumina next-generation sequencer (NGS) readout
  • Utilize the GeoMx® Data Center for interactive analysis

GeoMx® Cancer Transcriptome Atlas Design
Designed to profile over 1,800 RNA targets simultaneously with spatial resolution, the Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA) contains targets for broad cell profiling and includes necessary controls for all GeoMx® DSP experiments. The CTA covers 112 pathways critical to immune response, tumor biology, and the microenvironment.

Curated Content for Cancer Biology
The GeoMx® CTA is designed to profile all aspects of tumor and tumor microenvironment biology. Accompanying Morphology Marker Kits are available for tissue visualization and ROI selection.

GeoMx® TCR Profiling Add-On

Gene Expression Add-On to HuWTA or CTA
Add the ability to spatially profile expression of different T Cell Receptor (TCR) Variable and Joining regions to your GeoMx® DSP Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas (HuWTA) or Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA) assay. Spatially quantify changes in TCR diversity in response to cancer, infectious disease, autoimmunity, organ rejection, and therapeutic treatment within distinct tissue compartments or cell type populations within tissue sections.
GeoMx® TCR Profiling Add-On
  • Add an additional dimension to your HuWTA or CTA experiments with the TCR Profiling Add-On
  • Collect spatial expression data on 146 Human T Cell Receptor segments, including T Cell Receptor Variable and Joining regions across Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta chains
  • Customize with up to 400 additional targets to assay additional T cell biology content, non-coding RNA, synthetic DNA, or exogenous genes
  • Overlapping content with the nCounter® TCR Diversity Panel allows for paired sample studies Chain Type Variable Regions, V Joining Regions, J Constant Regions, C Alpha TRAV
The TCR Profiling Add-On assay for GeoMx® DSP contains probes for 146 Variable and Joining segments across all four Human TCR receptor loci Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta plus 50 negative control targets and 6 positive T cell controls. Combined with the GeoMx® HuWTA or CTA assays which contain probes for TCR Constant regions and key markers of T Cell phenotype and activation status, the TCR Profiling Add-On is a powerful tool that enables you to fully understand the adaptive T cell immune response to different diseases and/or therapeutic treatment.

The GeoMx® TCR Profiling Add-On can used in combination with the HuWTA or the CTA to spatially profile in FFPE or fresh frozen tissue the effect of disease onset/progression and/or treatment response/vaccination for any number of application areas:
  • Understanding the effect of CAR-T cells or engineered T cells on the T cell adaptive immune response to cancer
  • Monitoring the effect of vaccination or the impact of disease resolution on the T cell response to infectious disease
  • Studying the impact of T cell mediated organ rejection in solid organ transplantation
  • Using spatial localization of T cell receptor diversity as a potentially predictive or prognostic biomarker for disease progression, severity, or treatment response

GeoMx® Canine Cancer Atlas

Covering 1,962 genes involved in the immune response of canines to immuno-oncology (IO) therapeutics and designed alongside experts in canine comparative oncology, the GeoMx® Canine Cancer Atlas (CCA) empowers researchers to study the tumor and immune response of canines to IO treatments.
GeoMx® Canine Cancer Atlas
  • Spatially profile 1,962 genes and 48 control targets across 110 annotated pathways involved in the canine immune response to IO treatments
  • Tumor specific content for top canine cancers including melanoma, osteosarcoma, lymphoma, urothelial carcinoma, and glioblastoma
  • Superior sensitivity to detect 1000s of unique genes
  • Overlapping content with NanoString's nCounter® Canine IO Panel
  • Flexibility to customize with up to 400 additional targets to assay non-coding RNA, synthetic DNA or exogenous genes
  • Visualization and statistical analysis with the GeoMx® DSP Data Analysis Suite and bioinformatics toolset